“Vibe high and the magic around you will unfold.”

Akilnathan Logeswaran


In this blog we have often spoke about vibration. Everything in the Universe is vibrational in nature, including you. The essence of what you are is pure energy with vibrational frequency that oscillates. Your vibrational frequency essentially determines your quality of experiences—situations, opportunities and relationships.

As we are living in time of great change and evolution with what seems like a continuous stream of conflicts and challenges, it can be difficult not to be impacted and to have associated feelings of frustration, fear, doubt, confusion and even blame.  On the spectrum of vibration frequency these are on the lower side vs the higher vibrational frequencies of joy, calm, happiness, etc.

Now more than ever it is important to check in on your vibrational frequency and to keep tabs on it. Your vibrational frequency is determined by what dominates your thoughts and the beliefs you hold in your consciousness. Think for a moment of when you feel good and the thoughts you have. Think for a moment of when you feel bad and the thoughts you have.

As we are humans, it is normal to have variations in our frequencies as our thoughts are impacted by what is going on around us, and it is possible to vibrate at different frequencies on different topics and in different settings. But when you start to have an imbalance and your thoughts are generating lower vibration frequencies, it may be time to take action to raise your thoughts. cosmic frequency2

Vibration is influenced by thought, and for the most part this is done at an unconscious level. Your mind is like a powerful quantum computer and if you are not checking in on how its programmed it can easily be run by external forces such as media, family, institutions, etc. If you are not paying close attention your lower vibrating frequencies will impact your intentions and attract or manifest more of what you do not want.

Think about it this way, as your thoughts become more life affirming and encouraging your life will respond likewise. Overall, it is about becoming responsible for your mental energy, and if you want to raise your vibration you need to raise your thoughts.

All of our natural vibration is high but we often let in worries, judgement, victimhood, holding onto the past in some way, among others that interfere with this natural frequency. Plus, what keeps us vibrating low is when we consciously focus on what we do not want or do not like and imagine future undesirable outcomes or experiences. The good news is that at any given moment you can become responsible for how you feel and how you vibrate, and raise your mental and emotional energy.

But to master this you need to practice this. It is critical to work at mastering your thoughts-knowing that, yes, our vibrations will oscillate and many times the reset button will be hit.  There is no magic answer or process and most likely changing your view of the world will not happen overnight.  So, in short, you cannot look at this from a “to-do” or “check list” perspective. To help you on your way below are some guidelines.

  • Reclaim your worth and stop asking the outside world to prove that you are worthy
  • Appreciate yourself and listen to yourself
  • Release disempowering beliefs of victimhood and being powerless
  • Stop giving your power away by reacting to low vibrating people or situations
  • Take conscious responsibility for your life and be a conscious creator
  • Remove the drama
  • Practice gratitude
  • Laugh more

I encourage you to take your first steps today to checking and raising your vibration.