What does being ‘still’ really mean? Having some sort of spiritual component in your life is key to realizing the higher aspects of yourself, your life and who you are. You can also call it your Higher Self or True Self, your consciousness is deep and knows no bounds when you start exploring. As for being still, it’s not necessarily the true definition of ‘not moving’, as there is also stillness in motion. It’s the state of your mind I am talking about.

I have talked about previously in other posts how we live in a fast food culture of sorts, where instant gratification and short tempers are the norm these days it seems. We are becoming more and more removed from our true nature when we get caught up in this madness. Many wander from one thing to the next in the guise of making money, paying bills, keeping busy, etc.

This is all needed and part of life yes, but thinking that this is the end and be all of life is where we can become tripped up and fall into the grand illusion that modern society constantly bombards us with. But what also is needed (and I might add now more than ever) is being still … still enough to examine yourself openly and honestly. To be able to let go of the negative that has harmed you, and retain the positive experiences in your life for example. cosmic star

This is easier said than done as most humans seem to do just the opposite! But thriving on our positive experiences in life and letting all the rest go is really so important because it allows and fosters more of those types of amazing and significant experiences to occur in your life. And from these positive, higher vibrations can we only then learn to become still where peace, calm and truth reside.

We all need this, really the world needs this. There is more than enough of the other negative stuff we don’t need going on now. By aligning ourselves with a higher frequency and vibration, we can then start building momentum… and positive momentum at that. This is a major component of the spiritual evolution we need to embrace in order to shift this world in the right direction.

We not only lift ourselves up with a higher, more positive vibration, but also human conciousness as a whole. Beyond the regular mode of perception that most of us know daily and are used to, there is almost a type of secondary consciousness. This secondary consciousness, for lack of a better term is something we can tap into (although it is always there) that connects directly to an interconnected grid or web of being.

From here, we can really see how much of an effect our intention can have on the rest of the world. But we need to start from where we are normally, and we can see it here too… in how we can simply help change someone else’s mood for the better, and how our own mood can change also by non-selfishly helping someone else or by just being kind. And through this basic giving of positive vibration, becoming more still internally happens all by itself.