“If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them more closely. If we understood the awesome power of our words, we would prefer silence to almost anything negative. In our thoughts and words, we create our own weaknesses and our own strengths. Our limitations and joys begin in our hearts.” 

~Betty Eadie


For centuries philosophers, linguists, poets and writers all have contemplated the meaning, truth and impact of words. Merriam Webster defines words as: sound or combination of sounds that have a meaning and are spoken or written. But words are so much more. They have intent and purpose. They are the expressed or manifested mind and will of you.

Some say words have the power to do anything–to challenge, to empower, to build movements, achieve excellence, to silence critics, to spread energy or to energize. Words are energy.

But often words as intent are in your mind, heart and soul, and in the process of expressing them verbally or in written form, the vision of those words can be overshadowed by context, circumstances, expectation or interpretation fueled by yours and others experiences. We find ourselves either struggling to put our indescribable visions into words so others can understand or we short change their intent by rushing to get them out–and sometimes using the words that do not convey envisioned intent.

As an example, today we abbreviate our communications–our words. We almost short-circuit the meaning and intent–more so, their energy–by a digital shorthand of a new language of text and chat symbols and letters. Think about it, when you type an LOL, CY, FAP, GMILY, etc, are you shortchanging the intent? Are you losing the energy behind the Laugh Out Loud, Calm Yourself, Fucking A Pissed or Good Morning I Love You? Are you rushing through your emotions or feelings, or simply using a new lexicon of communications? Are your words vibrating at a lower energy? Are you not energizing your intent through your words? Milky-Way-Devils-Tower

Your words are an expression of you. Everything you absorb around you becomes part of you, and because of this your words have more fuel or energy behind them. Keep this energy with your words.

Also, in our current human existence we are in a world of duality, and so is, for most part, our words (especially in the Western part of the world). We tend to think in opposites or antonyms vs synonyms. We are missing the concept that there is not only one possible word for every possible thought or concept. There is something else beyond synonyms.

In some Eastern languages, there is a most amazing concept of meaning and intent in words that is complex yet so simple. We see this when we try to translate an English word to one in Chinese or Arabic or vice versa. We also see this is in native American languages. The words cannot be translated since the fluid intent or meaning is different and difficult to capture. It is felt more than heard.

In a recent Facebook post I talked about the Japanese phrase of “mushin no shin,” meaning, “mind of no mind.” This phrase means innocent, or one with no knowledge of good and evil. It literally means “without mind.” “Mushin no shin,” is a state of mind without fear, anger or anxiety. Mushin is often described by the phrase, “mizu no kokoro,” which means, “mind like water.”  The phrase is a metaphor describing the pond that clearly reflects it’s surroundings when calm but whose images are obscured once a pebble is dropped into its waters. Trying to translate this phase or string of words would lose its deeper intent.

The word Ruach (ancient hebrew) means explosive, expansive, surprising and creative energy that surges through all things; holding everything all together and giving the universe its life, depth and fullness.  In our current, modern world, people may understand spirit to mean something less real or tangible–as something non physical. However, when Hebrews spoke of Ruach, they were not talking about something less physical or real, they were talking about what happens when something becomes more real right before your eyes.

This leads me to call on you to use words wisely, to be aware of your divine presence and the intent of your soul expressed through words.  There is a spirituality of words that carry not only intent, but your voice of the Universe. Do not short-circuit that, underestimate that, or mis-use that.