“The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness”

– Lao Tzu


Human consciousness and the universe are going through major shifts. There is monumental change underway as we move to a higher dimension, what you may have heard as the Fifth Dimension, a dimension of consciousness outside the constraints of space and time (known as the Third and Fourth Dimensions where your mind and body are aligned in a physical reality) and where you function or experience space in a more fluid reality. There is a lot of good writing and perspectives about this natural evolution to higher dimensions and if you want to learn more go to you favorite search engine and start reading!

These shifts are the influx of a higher frequency energy coming into the universe and flowing into and through each of us. In short, there is a transformation of energy causing an awakening. And the awakening is resulting is new waves of universal and energetic truth. Truths we see being exposed in work environments, governments, communities, etc.

The pace of the transition is accelerating and we are experiencing shifts in the political landscape, social and economic ecosystems and more. This causes tension—tension between those who are holding on, who want to control and perpetuate their own existence—the power brokers—with those who are waking up, who are seeing and experiencing the universal truths and are evolving and vibrating at increased energy levels.

We are experiencing phenomena of the universe where many are entering new awakenings in the new wave of energies taking place. This experience can be challenging as we shift consciousness while using our physical world and being—and old reflections—to create our current reality. This is an interesting “place” to be as we launch into new discoveries, freedom and new found empowerment. space

Collective humanity is being drawn into the inevitable Fifth Dimension. This transition can be sometimes difficult to handle emotionally, as well as energetically. And if our individual energy is not in sync with new energy frequencies flowing the energetic transition can be a bit overwhelming to our bodies and minds—sometimes creating emotional and physical issues.

The intensity of this energy may give you a feeling of being unsettled, restless or sometimes feeling lost or not sure what to do. In this state you may find yourself questioning things, looking for answers, feeling out of sorts like in limbo or floating, feeling a bit untethered, or even having physical reactions of anxiety, being more emotional, tired, sore, etc. You will find yourself in familiar surroundings but somehow they seem strange or different. You may experience your friends and family differently, and experience feelings of loneliness or sadness.

You are in the early stages of the transition and your physical being is adjusting. Find comfort in knowing this is a natural step in your process of change and the progression of the universe, and know it will improve as you get more acclimated to moving into this new dimension. You will realize accelerated thinking—find yourself making connections faster and being more creative.  You will experience the ability to move through challenges and emotions more quickly and easily, and being able to let go of negativity and find peace with the past.

So as you find yourself in this transition—embrace it, welcome it!  There will be days when it will be difficult, but this is the time to be centered and grounded, and to focus on seeing the good that will come. Have confidence in knowing that this new influx of energy will help heal issues we are presently experiencing in our lives and the world, and is moving each of us forward in our Universal purpose. While in this state of transition, adjust your expectations, find time to quiet your mind, learn to love yourself, be compassionate—and give yourself comfort. Be kind to yourself, and take care of yourself. Eat healthy, get rest and relax into the change (Spiritual Relaxation).

Your turn—I would love to hear from you on what you may be experiencing!