In this physical world it can be difficult to sort through your intentions, your purpose and your soul’s plan as you navigate your daily life and deal with small inconveniences to major decisions, as you try to do the right thing, be there for others or just find some quiet time to think or to be. And then when you get that time to think, to contemplate or run through your emotions you start thinking that you are, well, thinking too much.

Sometimes you might start to feel disconnected. For me, I think this may mean that what my mind may think is my soul’s journey is not really my soul’s journey.  I’ll start to question if I’m on the right path, if I am where I’m supposed to be or am doing what I’m supposed to be doing, and then I remind myself that yes, I guess I am since I’m living my soul’s journey. This can get a bit confusing and definitely overwhelming–but yet so meaningful and impactful. Here’s my latest encounter with this.

Recently I was on a trip to a place I never was before. I knew why I was going, what I was supposed to do and had the “measures of success” defined. But when I got to the destination, I just felt out of sorts–uncomfortable, uneasy and questioning why I was really there. Was my being there really going to make a difference, was something good going to come out of the trip? I started to think I shouldn’t be there, and I started my count down to when I would be back home. Yes, it got a bit negative for sure.trees-walkway

I reminded myself that I was there because I was meant to be there, and what my mind may have determined as the reasons why may not really be the reasons why. And this turned out to be the case. The place, the people, the encounters, even if sometimes uncomfortable, were an experience that added to the fabric of my life and all were intended.

On one level the trip brought back and reminded me of some of my heritage (my past). It revealed a present that was notably different and seemed dated–like being in a past era although 2015. It revealed a perseverance, a strong will and even a contentment of a people. And it provided me an opportunity to meet new people–but people to whom I somehow felt a distinct connection.

Throughout the week, I realized that indeed I was supposed to be there. There was a message and a lesson, but more so an energy–something from my past revealing itself for my present and my future. I left taking this with me and knowing that I am fine just as I am right now and where I am right now.

It reminded me to have an open mind, and more importantly to mine the lessons of my soul’s journey. It reminded me to put experiences in the context of my life’s story. When I started to reflect on what I was feeling and experiencing I started to see the connections to my past and my present and how these would be part of my future. I saw my soul’s intention as my spirit’s way of helping me find fulfillment in this lifetime and how I can take the lessons to help shape my physical self and my soul.