Meditation is a powerful tool that can be used to reach deeper states of consciousness and achieve inner freedom. We touch upon many topics on our Wellness blog that are related to reaching deeper insights when it comes to our perception of the world, consciousness and our personal evolution. We here at Warrior Rx take the approach that life has three key aspects – body, mind & soul.

Body, Mind & Soul

When one takes this holistic approach, goals and results come much faster no matter what part of life is taken into account. This can anything from your health, finances, relationships, fitness level or mental awareness. So where am I going with this? Back to meditation.

Meditation is an amazing tool that you can use to help bring together these three key aspects of body, mind and soul in your life. They are all deeply interconnected although from the surface of things it may not always seem so. Meditation is a broad topic as there are many different types and forms… it can be quite overwhelming when deciding upon which you type you choose to practice.

I must also say though, that meditation doesn’t necessarily mean sitting down cross legged on a cushion in the traditional sense. Many people find their mindful or their ‘zen state’ so to speak in a variety of enjoyable activities, from gardening, to fixing up an old car in your garage. I do feel though, that being able to sit in a state of quiet reflection and focused concentration is integral to reaching greater, expanded states of awareness.

Have a Playful, No Expectations Approach


One thing that has helped me in my personal meditations and evolution is to have a playful approach with no expectations. So many times I hear people say that they cannot quiet their mind or sit still for very long. Having a quiet mind will come in time, be patient with your practice and don’t be so serious! I used to be so serious in my approach and feel as if I didn’t achieve a certain ‘state’ or meditate for certain amount of time I was wasting my time and going no where. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Even when it comes to choosing the type of meditation you are practicing, this should be based on what resonates most effortlessly with you. Experiment with different types of meditation and see what works best for you. Change it up and play around with different types.

Over time, as long as you are consistent in doing your chosen meditation results become cumulative. This can be so subtle that in many cases you may not think you are progressing… but you are. Also taking some time out through out your day to do short, ‘minute meditations’ can help dramatically.

Minute Meditations

A minute meditation is simply taking a minute or two timeout to close your eyes and just focus on your breathing. These are great to do at work for example to help reduce stress and re-energize yourself. Really, they are great to do anytime. The greater goal here is that they help to ultimately bridge the gap between your cluttered and un-cluttered mind when you eventually sit to meditate. I credit this to the Vipissana Buddhist tradition where I learned the idea.

As the old Buddhist saying goes, ‘an inch of meditation, an inch of Buddha’. These may seem small, but they can have a dramatic impact on your mental state and greater focus in your meditation practice. In my personal experience, I noticed I started to do them naturally more and more through out the day. When it comes to sitting for a longer period, my mind is more calm and ‘prepped’ so to speak for my meditation.

There are other ‘tools’ so to speak that can help speed up the process for you. I love to listen to different types of relaxed music made for meditation when I sit down. Also cutting down on media and meditating at certain times like after you wake up and before you go to bed work better for me. Proper nutrition and supplements can help dramatically as well. I highly recommend our brand new focus and concentration supplement – Warrior Rx Focus. We have a special introductory offer going on right now – click here to find out more.