Sometimes in life we feel like we missed the boat on something, and that could be anything from starting a new hobby, a new art, going somewhere you always wanted to go, giving it a go in a different career or starting a business you always wanted to, to doing something outrageous like jumping out of plane. But why do we sometimes feel this way? Who says it’s too late to do something that you’ve been putting off that seems like forever?

I don’t think that it’s truly you that feels this way… or maybe it is. Maybe society, and your friends and family would frown upon you doing that ‘thing’. Maybe you do feel too old to do it or that too much time has passed you by. Maybe you’re just used to things being the way they are… or maybe it’s a combination of things. I guess I am writing this to say that if you are still alive and can move on your own volition than you can do whatever you want, when you want.

Maybe what you think you really want to do is impossible. I’m here to also tell you that sometimes what most people think is impossible or the hardest thing to do or have can actually sometimes be the easiest. I heard someone once say, and it has stuck with me ever since that ‘a miracle is the easiest thing to do’. Do you think a miracle, which by some definition is something that is not even possible really takes effort? If a miracle is not supposed to be possible in the first place, then how is it that it somehow still happens?  canyons other world

I’d like to challenge your thinking, so you can challenge yourself in a way that can make your life more exciting. So that maybe one day you can look back and say I did it my way. And you can feel more content. And who knows maybe you’ll fail at whatever this ‘thing’ may be. Maybe it won’t live up to the expectation you thought it would. But hey at least you can rest easy knowing you gave it a go.

I think most of us have some things we still want to do, see, feel, and experience in this life that we have not yet.  I think that doing those things that resonate with us the most is really the key to happiness and contentment. Sometimes doing something the opposite way which you normally would is a good way to ignite some passion in yourself I have found, which may inspire you to take action finally.

Also I have found that you are never really fully ‘ready’ or the timing will never really be ‘perfect’ for you to do whatever you have been putting off.  So who knows give it a go, maybe you’ll surprise yourself!