“Nothing Belongs To You & Yet Everything Is You”

– Mooji


Sometimes I have to keep reminding myself how impermanent life can be and how fleeting it is. Things seem to happen and change so fast in life sometimes that what happened so long ago can seem like it was just yesterday and what happened yesterday can seem like it was so long ago. What we encounter in life whether it be in our work, family, relationships etc., happen the way they do for a reason and we can only experience it once.  It may not seem that way though at times when all of these things are seemingly so accessible in our lives.

These things can become so familiar and common to us that we take them for granted. We tend to go through life in a lot of cases on auto-pilot and without the full awareness we are capable of. Unfortunately this is at our own detriment because we miss out on the full potential of the moment. The main reason behind this is because we feel the people or circumstances in our lives will always be there, or that they will be gone too soon and so our minds may be somewhere else at the time instead of just being in the moment.

I would go so far as to say that a lot of people feel as if they are immortal, (although they usually won’t admit it) that they have all the time in the world to put off what they can do and experience today.  I am sure you have heard the old saying – ‘act as if today is the last day you have to live’. This is a lot harder said than done but I feel the idea behind it can help us live more fulfilled lives if we were to live life keeping this in mind.Cosmic-lighthouse

Acting as if today is the last day we will be alive will help us live in the moment more and not take things for granted. How could we if we really felt this way? It would almost be impossible to do so. Our minds would not wander off to some ephemeral distant future that may never come.

Another thing that allows us to live more intensely and in the present moment is to know our connection with everyone and everything around us. We have been told since time immemorial from mystics and sages alike that we are all one.  It’s even harder to see this in today’s world with how we are so easily connected to each other through modern technology and yet we are seemingly more disconnected than ever at the same time.

If we could really feel what the sages of old and new tell us, that I am you and you are me, the world would be a different place. We would be genuinely different people and we would treat each other with love and respect. We would be more present naturally. Of course those of us consciously evolving at a higher pace can’t wait for the world to catch up, really it never will. We must act accordingly now and hopefully inspire those around us at the same time.

Meditation is the greatest tool to see this connection, to be in the moment and live our lives fully present. This cannot be just an intellectual idea, it must be felt and seen beyond the distractions of our daily lives. Once we know this, what those around us do no longer affects us as it once did as we see it is just a reflection of a part of ourselves. We don’t take things personally and judgements fall away. Attachments and aversions are gone along with all of the other false ideas we have been socially programmed to believe.

Perception is reality and reality can be what you make and see it for or what others tell you it is, it’s your choice. Being present is a major key to seeing things for what they truly are.