“We crave for new sensations but soon become indifferent to them. The wonders of yesterday are today common occurrences” – Nikola Tesla
The blessing and curse of modern civilization lies very much in its technological progress. We now, more than ever are bombarded with electromagnetic stimuli in the form of television and computers including new programs, social media, virtual reality, and new gadgets amongst other things that engage our senses. All of this rapid advancement has made our lives more comfortable, practical and efficient. But this begs the question, what does this mean for our perception of reality?
If we were to travel back in time (and not even that far back) or even encountered a primitive culture residing deep within the jungle somewhere with no exposure to modern man with some of the commonly used machines of today, those people might think it was magic. The ironic part is that the further we progress technologically, the less people think that what is so called ‘magic’ is real. Magic it seems is a term given to explain the unexplainable that we may encounter and we are ‘explaining’ more things now more than ever.
And yet with all of the scientific and technological progress we have made, we really still don’t know who we are and where we came from. These age old questions are the foundation of our deeply held beliefs and the most commonly held version(s) of reality. There are theories both scientific and theological to explain this; I am not here to argue that age old debate. What I am pointing out is that whatever our version of reality is, stems from ourselves. And really, only from ourselves will we find the truth and real answers.
Your version of reality is different then the next person’s. This difference may be small or it may large. Much of this depends on what you were taught to believe and your cultural influences. Your ability to effect your version of reality depends much upon how deeply you probe your own consciousness and challenge your own beliefs. It also depends much upon how deeply you allow outside influences (news, media, friends, family, job/career etc.) to influence you.
Sometimes though, this effect comes from more potent outside forces such as revolutionary inventions and scientific breakthroughs… however these events don’t happen everyday. So it is in your best interest to again look inward, which you can do everyday. Reality is relative, which science has proved. We are beginning to see science and metaphysics merge more and more as science and technology advances.
Quantum physics for example, is starting to prove what mystics and sages have known for centuries; that we are all inter-connected and separation is just an illusion. The trick at the end of the day is proving this to yourself, and not just taking someone else’s word for it. So I say, accept the challenge. Question your beliefs and what others and authority tells you, probe your consciousness, do thought experiments, astral travel, meditate daily, etc. In essence, come to your own conclusions.
When you can look at yourself and know from personal experience that your version of reality is a result of your own consciousness, you can then see beyond all the fancy technology, the programmed societal matrix and the version of reality popular culture constantly tells you to believe. You will only then know at a deep, cellular level that the nature of your reality can still be wondrous and magical because it is truly your own.