At Warrior Rx we believe in and stress the importance of the body, soul and mind connection. We also want to reinforce that every cell of you knows when you are unhappy, anxious or stressed–and sometimes this is expressed in physical reactions. There is an amazing feedback loop build right in you. The messages are there, we just need to reduce the noise, be aware of them and listen.
In this post we want to share some tips on tuning into your body.
Slow down, be aware and tune into your feelings
We are all super busy. Sometimes the best way to tune in is to stop, breathe and ask yourself what you are feeling and why. We all have the signs when our bodies are telling us to slow down. These include not feeling well, not sleeping well, and sometimes getting sick. Before you get to that point, listen to the signs and don’t ignore them. And take action. If you have an issue that your instincts are telling you that need to get checked out by a doctor, get to the doctor.
Take notes and keep a journal
Writing out what you are feeling and why can help. A tip is to not always focus on the negative. So write one thing a day that you would like to nurture or do to take better care of yourself AND also write down one thing a day for which you are grateful. Also, if you have physical symptoms of not being well, capture them and try to note what you were doing, thinking, etc,, around the time the physical symptoms started to appear. This will help give you insight and even a roadmap to taking care of yourself.
Be aware of your warning signs
We all have them. Our bodies will start to send us messages when things are not quite “right.” These signs can be reoccurring injuries, feeling tired or achy, a cold that keeps coming back, etc. They can be more subtle sometimes like mood swings, that dull headache, cravings for sweets or salty foods.
Meditate and be mindful
Calming your mind and clearing your mind are so important. We live in a world of constant noise, distraction and stress. Take time daily–even if for 10-15 minutes to practice meditation. There are so many great sources available today to walk you through the process. To get yourself started, take time each day to sit quietly with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Take in a deep breath, hold and slowly release, repeat this 3-5 times. You can also use a mantra that works for you that as you breath in and out, you repeat your mantra.
Learn to trust and foster your intuition
Sometimes instead of considering every angle of every challenge and overthinking or replaying over and over again every possible scenario, try to let go for a bit and hand over the reins to your heart or intuition. Simply ask yourself–with no judgement or overthinking–what feels right. Give your mind a break and let your heart or instincts guide you.
We hope you found these tips helpful, and we look forward to hearing from you on how you listen to your body.