“A kind of light spread out from her. And everything changed color. And the world opened out. And a day was good to awaken to. And there were no limits to anything. And the people of the world were good and handsome. And I was not afraid any more. ”

~ John Steinbeck, East of Eden


We have entered an amazing time—a time of Universal change. As I have talked about in some recent posts we are in a phase where we are transitioning from the Third Dimension to the Fifth Dimension, a dimension of consciousness outside the constraints of space and time (known as the Third and Fourth Dimensions where your mind and body are aligned in a physical reality) and where you function or experience space in a more fluid reality (Into the Fifth Dimension).  And the pace is accelerating.

This month there will be super waves of energy—of gamma light—from the center of the Universe (also know as the Galactic Core). This has been coined Wave X. WaveX energy will be coming through the earth at maximum strength and peaking on September 28. We are already well into it and feeling its effects. These massive energy waves coming into earth happen only every 3600 years, and they coincide with significant changes in the evolutionary cycle of human kind.

As you can imagine, as WaveX—with its super strong energy—comes into earth this will have a tremendous impact on you, including your physical being. But it is nothing to fear. On the contrary, it is something to fully embrace.

WaveX—these incoming cosmic energies that have been building since late August—will accelerate and heighten a frequency shift in consciousness. This will inspire an evolutionary change and initiate an incredible change across the planet. These changes will not necessarily be sudden or be seen as “big” events onto themselves, but this massive energy will fuel change already occurring in the Universe, such as those we see being played out in major institutions and existing paradigms in the world in which we live.


WaveX will speed the ascension of many, especially those functioning at higher frequencies—but all will be impacted in someway.  WaveX will be fueling a mass scale raising of consciousness and spiritual Self.  We have been experiencing the impact of new energy and energy shifts as part of the Universal change and the ascension process—where we transform and heighten our consciousness.

As I talked about, this can result in a variety of symptoms, ranging from being restless, being “wired,” being tired, headaches and body aches, feeling sad or lonely, agitated, depressed, feeling on edge as if something is going to happen but you just don’t know what or when, etc.

And the emotions and feelings can swing (in short time frames) from feeling good or OK with things, even content or happy to feeling upset, scared or not well. This is normal. It’s best to let yourself go through these feelings with kindness and no self-judgment, and to lean on techniques and practices for relaxation such a meditation, grounding, exercise, etc.

It is important to remember at this time that you initially attract what you judge. With this, recognize that judgments can become reminders for new conscious behavior. Keep an open mind and an open heart. When approaching the transition to the Fifth Dimension the shift can be easier and even enjoyable by experiencing each moment.

Indeed, this time of WaveX can be a difficult period for many as they struggle with how they are feeling—emotionally, physically and spiritually. You can’t fight these feelings. You need to be introspective and trust this natural process of change, and rest in knowing that the Universal change that will be accelerated by WaveX is a natural process—and necessary that will result in a world of understating purpose, of compassion and love.

I would love to hear how you are experiencing WaveX.