It is equally important to take care your brain health as it is your physical health. Just as we lose muscle over time if we don’t stay in motion, our brains can atrophy too. Over time if not kept active and in the mode of learning and trying new things, the brain can suffer neurological damage. This can impact your memory, focus and concentration and cognitive abilities. Now is the time to set in motion a simple plan for a brain-healthy lifestyle.

Eat healthy:  A well-balanced diet low in fat, low in cholesterol and high in antioxidants is the way to go. Take advantage of seasonal fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of water. There are many great, healthy recipes on-line. We are sure you can find what works for you.

Get up and move–everyday. Regular exercise promotes vascular health and helps protect brain tissue.

Keep your brain in the active state: The brain wants to learn new things. Set in motion your curiosity. There is research that indicates that some may be more vulnerable to dementia when they pay less attention to their surroundings.  When you are out and about, take it all in. Observe people, signs, trees, etc. brain exercise

Combine physical and mental exercise: Step away from the television and look up from your smart phone. Kick off a new exercise routine, well, routinely. Try activities that require focus and concentration (vs. staring at the TV while on the treadmill). These can include routines that require balance, multiple movements, dance steps, etc. If you run or bike, try a new path or location. Just remember to incorporate a new twist into what you do.

Some other real-world or everyday brain exercises that work are …

 When driving into/out of work, go a different route.

 Move around your normal parking spot.

 Eat or brush your teeth with your other or less dominate hand.

 Read a few paragraphs or sentences backwards.

 Try to draw a map from memory.

 Make a list and try to memorize it.

 Learn to play a musical instrument

 Learn a foreign language

 Take up a new sport or hobby

We hope you found these simple tips to keep your brain fit helpful and we would love to hear from you how you work to keep your focus and mental sharpness.